ThreehundredThirtyEight.com was created as a platform to share thoughts about Canadian public opinion, policy issues, and other research. Faculty and students from the Public Service Post Graduate Certificate Program at Conestoga College are invited to contribute to this blog. Anthony Piscitelli, a professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning serves as the editor of the blog.
For queries about the blog or suggestions for an article please use the contact form.
Views expressed on this website represent those of the blog post author or authors. The opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of Conestoga College or any other organization where Anthony Piscitelli works or volunteers. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Anthony Piscitelli, except in cases where Anthony Piscitelli is listed as the author, even then Anthony Piscitelli reserves the right to change his mind.